Thursday, April 2, 2009

why are things that are important to me not my decision?!

I never really realized the amount of stress school puts on you. School is one of those things that you have to go to until you're eighteen and it's not your choice whether you want to be there or not. Even if you do want to stay home from school, unless your parents are cool with it and excuse you, you HAVE to go. It's not like you can drop out if you wanted to cause the law requires you to go. What's up with that? I'm not saying if it was my choice I would drop out, but why can't I make decisions for myself sometime? No matter how much I want to do something if it's not cool with my parents it doesn't fly. I have mixed emotions about this. Sometimes I respect the opinion my parents have on topics but when I disagree respectfully I get told I am wrong. Just because I am younger doesn't mean I am completely incapable of making my own decisions. Ugh there are so many moments when I wish so badly that I could choose what I wanted to do but I guess at the end of the day I do respect the opinions of others, and I like knowing that I have all of my elders looking out for me and making sure I behave myself and am not just up to no good.

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