Thursday, April 30, 2009


Summer is almost here and I have to say I'm pretty excited about it. It's the first summer where I will have some freedom. In previous summers I haven't been able to drive and I always had to ask my parents for rides or someone else. Now, I have a car and just recently got a job, so I'll have money of my own that I earned. Not only do I have more freedom, my friends do as well and it is going to be such a fun time. This summer is gunna make or break me as far as my trust with my parents goes. As of right now my parents don't trust me which is confusing to me because I have never once given them a reason to doubt me. I tell them where I'm going to be, who I'm going to be with, and when I will be home and i never miss curfew. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to prove it to them...not like I don't every day I do something but whatever; not much I can do about that. Along with trust, summer is always the big opportunity to find love. I'm not saying I'm going to fall in love with someone, all I'm saying is is that it is such a good opportunity to hang with them outside of school and you have so much more time. Other than work I have nothing huge planned because our family hasn't gone on a vacation in over two years so I don't really see it happening any time least not this year.

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