Monday, May 4, 2009


Wow. Okay so I know that I'm only sixteen and have only had my license for about ten months now, but I don't think that means I am any worse at knowing the rules of the road compared to adults, especially middle aged guys driving white cars down the street. The reason I say that is because yesterday I was driving down the road going to pick up my friend at school and my other friend had been at my house so we left at the same time and I had been following her. As I'm driving down the two lane road I am staying very aware of my surroundings. I see a man in a white car to my left and as I look over at him he looks very annoyed with the classic "stupid teenage girl drivers not going the speed limit" look. As I'm trying to pass this guy I realize he is speeding up and I then look ahead to notice my friend coming up fast on a van in our lane. She turns on her signal and changes lane as this man to the left is speeding up to be a jerk and not let her in. She gets around him and he swerves into the oncoming traffic and gets beside her and swerves back toward her forcing her to change back into her original lane. Well me sitting back watching all this happen, I was absolutely LIVID that a man in his late forties would do such a thing and put not only his life at risk but the lives of me, my friend, and the oncoming cars when he went in their lane. There was NO WAY I was going to let this guy get away with this without even getting honked at. I changed lanes and got right behind him honking my horn for quite some time. As I change lanes to pass him he glares at ME. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Man I was so angry and it really makes me wonder 'Are adults any better at driving then I am?'

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