Thursday, May 28, 2009


Well...the year is almost over and it's been fun. It was my first time ever to have my own blog and boy oh boy has it been an experience. At first i really didn't like being tied down to just one topic to write about just because of the fact that i would spend more time thinking about what i was going to say to get my word requirement then actually enjoying the experience of blogging itself. Once the new term rolled around and we kind of got a new chance to start over with our blog things turned around for me. Before i really didn't enjoy blogging, but then i realized that so much goes on in my life that i can write and vent about that it really opened my eyes to the opportunity i had. At some points in my time of blogging I used it as a gateway to complain and vent about what i needed to say rather than taking it out on someone else. I really enjoyed the things i wrote about and it was something i might see myself continuing now that the term is done and our blogs are over. The one thing I would say was least enjoyable about blogging was the word requirement. I understand that as a teacher it is hard to get all the students to do what they are supposed to do without a limit set, but i think it would be a lot more enjoyable for me in the future to not worry about how long my post needs to be, but saying everything i need to say and being okay if its not long enough or if it is too long.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

soooo many overwhelming things's the story. My chemistry teacher has been making me sooo mad lately. It is to the point where I just want to yell and scream at him the next time he does something that upsets me. I realize that some of the time you don't mesh well with your class and that's completely understandable. But when it gets to the point where the teacher is going to other teachers during the time he is supposed to be teaching us and complaining about how we don't pay attention or do well on the tests? Really? Come on now. I don't want to make this sound like our class is perfect with no troubles, but I do pretty well in that class and when I don't understand something and want to ask a question I get ignored. I have literally watched him see that my hand is up and ignore until someone else has a question, then watch him walk to the other end of the room, help them and then continue to help all the people that had their hand up after I had been waiting. Once waiting to the point where my hand is barely raised because it is so tired of being raised my teacher will walk over to help me and as I ask the question he starts yelling at me for not paying attention or I am the one that needs to figure out my own problem because i don't understand something. REALLY?!!? I'm at the point of just freaking out on him in front of the whole class. UGH I hate being mad.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

summer conditioning

School officially gets out on the eleventh of June and the ACT is on the thirteenth. After those two days you think I would be free to enjoy the rest of my summer and have fun spending time in the sun with my friends doing whatever my heart desires right?.....WRONG. Summer conditioning for volleyball starts on the 22nd of June and it goes all the way up until camp week. You'd think that I would be excited for camp week then, but I'm not. Camp week is just a big giant week of hard core conditioning before two-a-days start the week after that. As much as I absolutely love to play volleyball I can't say I'm looking forward to the long hours, hard work, and sprinting that comes with it.

Most of the time conditioning is at seven in the morning but this year it starts at seven thirty :) yayy. I pretty much drag myself out of my bed throw on clothes that most of the time doesn't match along with some socks that also never match a pair of shoes and a water bottle and leave. After conditioning is over I feel like I'm going to die. A lot of the time it takes a lot of motivation for me to go and last year I think I went like 5 times out of the entire summer. But then I realized how much summer strength training actually helps your performance. So as much as I don't look forward to putting in the hard work and just wanting to skate by, I really am excited to start working again for the fall season and getting my legs back underneath me and my skills back. By the end of the summer I will be so happy with my accomplishments.

Monday, May 4, 2009


I love my family so much. My brother came home for the weekend. It is now his last week of his freshman year in college...well he is a semester ahead so i guess he kinda finished that a while ago but anyway he is home now. My cousin got married not to long ago and believe it or not no one in my family expected him to ever get married and his new wife is so perfect for him, I can't be happier for them. Since they got married my uncle from out of town came back for a visit. Just so you know most of my entire family lives in the surrounding area only like five to twenty minutes to drive to my house so when family from out of town comes in we try to get together and catch up. Well since people always come over to my house it was yet another frantic clean up throughout my household since my parents got the wise idea to cook up this get together the day before it actually happened. Well it was really fun once everyone got there but i didn't really have the chance to talk all that much due to the fact that it was a school night and i had homework and was way too tired to actually socialize. I felt kind of bad for not spending time with my family, but it's not like we don't get together at least once every two months or every major holiday so i'll have time to redeem myself.


Wow. Okay so I know that I'm only sixteen and have only had my license for about ten months now, but I don't think that means I am any worse at knowing the rules of the road compared to adults, especially middle aged guys driving white cars down the street. The reason I say that is because yesterday I was driving down the road going to pick up my friend at school and my other friend had been at my house so we left at the same time and I had been following her. As I'm driving down the two lane road I am staying very aware of my surroundings. I see a man in a white car to my left and as I look over at him he looks very annoyed with the classic "stupid teenage girl drivers not going the speed limit" look. As I'm trying to pass this guy I realize he is speeding up and I then look ahead to notice my friend coming up fast on a van in our lane. She turns on her signal and changes lane as this man to the left is speeding up to be a jerk and not let her in. She gets around him and he swerves into the oncoming traffic and gets beside her and swerves back toward her forcing her to change back into her original lane. Well me sitting back watching all this happen, I was absolutely LIVID that a man in his late forties would do such a thing and put not only his life at risk but the lives of me, my friend, and the oncoming cars when he went in their lane. There was NO WAY I was going to let this guy get away with this without even getting honked at. I changed lanes and got right behind him honking my horn for quite some time. As I change lanes to pass him he glares at ME. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Man I was so angry and it really makes me wonder 'Are adults any better at driving then I am?'