Thursday, March 19, 2009


Wow! I am now more than two and two thirds done with high school. It's a little scary to say the least. High school is all about grades right? WRONG!! Well I guess it depends on who you are asking. I mean ask any parent and they will tell you that this is in fact the truth; however ask any high school student and they will tell you this is the furthest thing from the truth. With so many great things to do with your time once you can drive and all who needs homework? I'm not speaking for everyone here but I'm fairly sure that a good majority of teenagers would much rather be doing ANYTHING but school work. The new popular thing for teenagers to do is to text message, and man oh man do I have an addiction to this one. Although, my parents have recently found out how to deal with bad grades, they take my texting away. Ughh. LAME is all I have to say. That is how you make plans and how you talk to your friends; taking it away is like taking away an entire high school student's social life in one phone call to the cell phone company.

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