Thursday, March 19, 2009

a change in direction

Hey everyone! I know my original idea for this blog was to be about volleyball, but that became such broad topic to talk about that I think I'm going to take this blog in another direction. I just deleted all my posts from my last term of blogging (there weren't many), but I did. My hope for this term of blogging is to be on time and regular with my posts and also make them relevant topics to my life and the things that impact me. I don't necessarily have a "main topic" but I guess it all has to do with the things going on I'm my life right now. It may be interesting for some and really boring for others, but it's going to be a lot more fun and interesting for me so that's all that really matters I guess. I think by taking this blog in another direction I will have alot more to say and a many more opinions on a variety of topics. Just thought I would let everyone know what I was doing.

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