Thursday, March 12, 2009

A new term brings new topics

Oh the joys of high school. As a junior entering my third term of the year i start to look back; the good, the bad....the ugly? It never really hit me how much people influence your life, how you see yourself, how you act, how you treat others; every single part of your life is affected or affects some one else. High school is supposed to be your 'best times' or so your parents tell you and we should 'live them to the fullest'. But in reality high school is hands down one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with. Everything that you have to deal with here forces you to make life decisions and if you make the wrong decision you can potentially ruin your whole reputation that you have worked this long to perfect. Things in high school get around so fast and are blown so far out of proportion there is nothing you can do to stop it. From all the cheating lies and deception of your boyfriend/girlfriend, friends, and even people you don't even know; it's like walking through a field with hidden landmines. If you mess up and someone hears about it that landmine explodes and you're now filled with a world of drama. I am not saying that I don't get caught up in the drama and mistakes of others, but I sure do hope that I never have to face that drama myself. I guess what I'm trying to say to anyone dealing with the "joys of high school" to watch your back and be very careful who you trust because that may be your downfall in the long run.

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